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Personal Care and Homeshare

Cambridge Homeshare does not provide personal care services. Please do not ask your Homesharer to perform any type of personal care for you. They are not professional Carers and are not allowed or expected to provide personal care. Any lifting (e.g. off the floor, in and out of chair/bed) should not be undertaken or expected from the Homesharer.

Should you require personal care, please make your own arrangements for this or speak to the Homeshare facilitator, who can signpost you to relevant agencies.

Personal care can cover, but is not limited to:

  • Bathing and showering, including bed-baths

  • Applying lotions and creams as required

  • Dressing and getting ready for bed

  • Help with getting into or out of bed

  • Any lifting (e.g. in and out of chairs, off the floor)

  • Oral hygiene

  • Applying make-up, and hair care

  • Support with shaving

  • Foot care, especially if you are diabetic need to be extra vigilant with your feet

  • Helping you to the toilet, including using a commode or bedpan

  • Changing continence pads, along with cleaning intimate areas

  • Support moving position in bed, to stretch and prevent bedsores

  • Changing or maintaining a stoma or catheter bag, or other forms of clinical intervention

  • Administering medication

  • Changing and washing bed linen

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